Battersea Community
Wed February 19, 2025
News in Latest News
Community Clean Up
Posted by Administrator :
BRUSHES AND MOPS AT THE READY! Many members of our community make their mark on our local streets by joining various local Battersea cleaning initiatives throughout the community in a bid to keep our parks, streets, roads and pavements looking clean and look after.
Potholes Giving Local Drivers a Problem
Posted by Administrator :
LEAVING US IN A DITCH? Potholes are becoming more and more of a problem in Battersea due to a lack of local maintenance funding and the changes in the UK weather. Potholes despite being seen as a miner problem they can affect so many drivers on a daily basis.
Cost of Living Rising!
Posted by Administrator :
COSTING US OUR LIVELIHOOD? It is estimated that the cost of living looks expected to continue to rise this year with stable incomes versus increasing costs of everyday household items. In recent years the cost of living has been as high as 5 times more than wage rises.
Healthy Eating Tips For Local Families
Posted by Administrator :
KEEP THE WHOLE FAMILY IN TIP TOP SHAPE. Family life can be hectic and keeping up with the fast pace of it can be difficult, which also means having regular healthy meals can be easier said than done.
Avoid Your Home Flooding
Posted by Administrator :
BE PREPARED OR AT LEAST HAVE YOUR ARM BANDS READY. Flooding can be devastating for home owners but some simple tips could prevent heartbreaking and costly repairs. It is important that you understand about your property and local areas, so you can be aware of any potential flooding problems in the future.
Push For Local Apprenticeships
Posted by Administrator :
INVESTING IN THE LOCAL WORKFORCE. The Battersea council and government have tried many initiatives over the years, one being local apprenticeships.
Getting On The Property Market
Posted by Administrator :
EASIER SAID THAN DONE! The mortgage and property market looks to be improving slightly through better mortgage deals. However the market still lacks direction and combined with lack of incentives for new buyers and government cuts it looks like it could be a while before it rises.
Getting Involved In The Community
Posted by Administrator :
ARE YOU INVOLVED IN THE COMMUNITY? Despite the economic downturn in recent years we have seen it has really raised the local people of the communities’ spirits and brought a feeling of togetherness.
Scams On The Rise
Posted by Administrator :
KEEPING YOU ON YOUR TOES! It is important to keep up to date and on your toes when it comes to local fraud and scams. There are so many currently out there it is important you are aware of the more common and frequent ones.
Are You Insured? Are You Covered?
Posted by Administrator :
BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY! In this day and age it seems as if everyone is trying to sell you insurance for everything such as pet insurance, phone insurance, laptop insurance and tablet insurance.
Do You Support Your Local Businesses?
Posted by Administrator :
LENDING YOUR LOCAL SUPPORT. Do you use your local shop? Do you go to the local pub? Do you visit your local butcher? Many studies have shown that support in local businesses is on the up.
Avoiding Payday Loans
Posted by Administrator :
AVOIDING THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL. In the beginning everyone thought these payday loan lenders where all doing us a favour and it sounds so simple borrow a little bit of money just before your payday and then pay back on your payday.
Our High Streets Still Suffering
Posted by Administrator :
ARE WE WAVING GOODBYE TO OUR LOCAL HIGHSTREET? Our local High Streets have been suffering in the consumer downturn. Customers have been watching their pennies amid concerns about high inflation and job security. Recently we have lost many large retailers that have been hit by the economic climate and the increasing online competition.
Will Online Shopping Be The Death Of Our High Streets
Posted by Administrator :
ARE YOU AN ONLINE SHOPPER AND A BARGAIN SURFER? We do not know to what extent the increasing activity of online shopping will eventually have on our Battersea based high street retailers but some predict it may end the high street shopping as a whole in the future.
Keeping Our Local Parks Clean
Posted by Administrator :
GET THE MOST OUT OF LOCAL CLEAN UP’s. We all know it is awful when we see parks, beaches and riversides strewn with litter. It is bad for our children, us, our pets, plants, local wildlife and our Battersea community.
What Is Next For Our Local Public House
Posted by Administrator :
THERE IS NOTHING WORNG WITH A GOOD LOCAL. It is no secret that our local pubs have suffered in the last decade due to numerous factors such changing nightlife trends (Bars and Clubs), the recession (meaning people have less to spend), alcohol awareness campaigns, the general costs of ale and rent and increases in government tax’s on alcoholic beverages.
The Local Transport Infrastructure
Posted by Administrator :
HOW DOES OUR LOCAL TRANSPORT COMPARE? For years people in the Battersea community have made their feelings known when it comes to public transport.
Council Tax Rises As Councils Set To Save Money
Posted by Administrator :
MORE CUTS..... GREAT!!! Many councils across the UK now have the choice to either increase council tax, raise the funds by cutting back on other factors or even worse they do both.
Avoid The Local Cowboys
Posted by Administrator :
HOW EASY IS IT TO SPOT A LOCAL COWBOY TRADER? There are numerous reasons why cowboy builders get away with their bad practices and carry on working in the community such as people not asking for verified references, no signed contract, not obtaining at least 3 other quotes to compare, clients naturally go for the cheapest quote and some residents or businesses are impatient and choose not to wait for the best builder.
Dealing With Stress At Work
Posted by Administrator :
ARE WE GETTING TOO STRESSED AT WORK? While some workplace stress is completely normal, excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and impact your physical and emotional health. This means your ability to deal with it can mean the difference between success or failure.